+86 531 8868 4283

Why Machine Colors Are Important To Safe Operation And User’s Safety?

“Colors, like features, follow the changes of theemotions,” Pablo Picasso said. This denotes that colors, pervading inevery corner of the world, play a vital role in our lives, affecting our moods,choices, attitudes and behaviors. Modern industries are increasingly adept inconveying product information and marketing means by dazzling colors. So doesmachinery manufacture.

We, Reaying Machinery, anexperienced manufacturer of laser machines, treasure colors as a visual methodto express company culture and product information. But is it worth a river ofwords to describe what colors can be painted on our machines? Or whether itdeviate from the customized service that we always promise to customers?

To answer the questions, let’s firstly share you aninteresting story of our customers who may neglect the relation between machineoperation and machine colors. Some “humorous” male customers inquired uswhether we can paint our machine with pink or purple, which confused us whetherthey were choosing barbie dolls. We do respect every customer’s preference forcolors, but we care more about every single user’s safe operation andcomfortable user experience.

In order to help prevent workplace accidents and trainnew employees, standard color codes have been developed and adopted formanufacturing facilities and machinery that provide an uniform message to allusers. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has developed standardsfor color and meaning (ANSI Z545.1. Color Codes.) These standards have beenadopted and promoted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) to protect users.

Then we convinced those pink or purple lover customersthat proper machine colors we recommend are more comfortable visually foroperators for safe work and long-term use. And it’s almost impossible to changethe color when you are tired of such pink or purple color.

Therefore, the optional colors which are carefullyselected by our technical experts are listed here to help you choose a safemachine with beautiful coatings, yet more practical and visually comfortable.

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